When it comes to SAVING MONEY and INVESTING for your future, it’s never too early to start. Every payday, most of us are faced with the dilemma whether to start saving today or put it off until next month.
Here’s a story of a young man who knew that he could earn more for his future by starting to save earlier.
At age 22, Ping took the first steps in making his money grow. Every month, he saved P2,000 of his monthly income. Then he placed it in a good and stable investment that gave 10% compounded interest yearly. He did it for 10 years until he was unable to add more to his investment and forgot about it.
On the other hand, his friend Pong took his sweet time before investing. He waited until the age of 40 when he had money to spare. He followed the same steps but he doubled the amount to P4,000 so he could catch up with Ping.
could he catch up? Watch the full video for the conclusion
video by: Pesos and Sense
"You can never cross the ocean until you
have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
P.S. 1. When I joined the TrulyRichClub. It was one of the best decisions of my life. Founded by Bo Sanchez, its purpose is to "help good people become rich". Because of the guidance I get from the Club, I'm now investing in the Stock Market each month! It's amazing how I'm personally growing in my finances. I'm inviting you to join the Club too. If you're interested, then join the TrulyRichClub NOW! here: CLICK HERE and email me at mytrcph@gmail.com if you have any questions.
tags: investing early, reason to invest early, benefits of investing early, is saving early important, investing early benefits, saving early benefits, when should i start saving, saving early techniques, saving early strategies, investing early techniques, investing early strategies,
It is always advised to start saving the money at an early age. By spending only when it is necessary, you can have enough money by the end of the month to invest it in more profitable thing, and this continues to help you making more and more money.
HCBL Bank - Tathastu